Life on the Outside: Finding the Secrets to Living a Masterful Life in Three Steps

To live a rich and masterful life, we often encounter blocks and difficulties that cause us to want to give up.  One of the greatest teachings I ever received came from an old man who explained to me the process for living “outside the box.”  Life on the Outside requires going outside the realm of our comfort zones, outside of our safety nets and outside what we know.  When I was having an episode of doubts, fears and worries, my old teacher told me that I had to certainly come outside the box but he went further with a powerful secret of the box, “The real truth about going outside the box requires that you get the directions. BUT!  The directions are always written outside the box!  You will have to find someone who is already outside the box to read the directions to you!”  I was blown away with his simple truth.

Often, we try to find the solutions to our dilemmas by working harder.  We try the same failed processes over and over, hoping for a different result. This is called insanity.  These neurotic attempts at success lead to more and more frustration.  Albert Einstein offered this:

 “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

In other words, we can never solve a problem from the same thinking that created the problem.  We can never solve the problem at the same level of the problem.  We will have to “think different.”  “Inside the box,” we keep doing what we’ve always done and we get the same results.  We tell ourselves things like, “I’ll just work harder.  I know it will work this time.”  In truth, if we continue our actions that do not have proven positive results, we will continue to produce negative results AT BEST.  Usually, we throw our whole lives out of balance as one area of our lives spin out of control, causing a rippling effect into other areas of our precious lives.

Life does not have to be so difficult. Life always offers clues and when we listen to the clues and follow the directions, we break the cycle of our unsuccessful and neurotic behaviors. Often, when we are “inside the box,” we will find windows but we can’t seem to go through. Our successes lie outside the window. However, few are willing to cross the threshold to their hopes, dreams and desires. The few who will cross over can find their successes by following three simple steps.

1.  Our growth starts with identifying the limiting idea that keeps us snarled up in dysfunction, neurotic behaviors, those behaviors that we do over and over again, expecting different results. When you get really quiet and contemplative, you will hear a small voice telling you the best action to get you out of the box. If your heart begins to palpitate when you think about this action, you are headed in the right direction. You must do the thing that you fear to do.

2.  Second, you must identify your RIGHT teachers. Many people make their greatest mistakes by seeking advice and counsel from those who have not traveled a similar road. Avoid the “teacher” who has not mastered your obstacle. The greatest teacher you will find is the one who has mastered your obstacle and succeeded. The master teacher holds the directions as she stands “outside the box.” She can lead you out!

3.  Finally, be willing to step outside the box. Willingness will signal the universe that you are ready for all of your hopes, dreams and desires. The universe will conspire alongside you. Pay attention as things around you began to fall into place so that your hearts desires will come to fruition.

After realizing that the directions for living “outside the box” could not be found inside the box, I began to seek great teachers for guidance.  I learned to ask, “How do I get out?”  Seeking the wisdom of masters never means that we betray the wisdom of our inner teacher and personal guidance.  However, it does mean that through collective thinking, “putting our heads together,” we can find meaningful solutions and results.  None of us knows everything.  We need the counsel of the masters.

 “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing one another.”      Luciano De Crescenzo

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